Mae West She Done Him Wrong - Press Sheet And Ad-Sales Catalogue UK Press book
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MAE WEST She Done Him Wrong (Astonishing original 1933 UK Press
Sheet & Ad-Sales Catalogue for Mae West's FIRST starring
role, although she had already appeared in one film as a supporting
actress, also featuring an early appearance by Cary Grant. Measuring
9½" x 12", this astonishing historical document is eight pages of
interest grabbing wonder. There is far too much to mention about this
amazing curio from the dawn of the 'Talkies' here, so if you'll forgive
Please click 'more
info' now!
This was an unusual film in many ways. Incredible for the time, this film was actually an adaptation of her self penned smash hit Broadway stage play 'Diamond Lil'. Needless to say, her adaptation of her own stage play into film led to it too becoming a smash hit.
This movie has been selected by the American Film Institute as one of the best black and white movies of all time & is full of pre Hayes Code 'suggestive' remarks for which she became famous & is fondly remembered for.
Cary Grant was hand picked by Mae as her co-star & yes, this is the film in which Mae tells Cary to come up and see her sometime. A saying that has become a staple of film lovers & impersonators [who almost always get it wrong] ever since.
What has this to do with 8 pages of a brochure ? Read on ...
In the early days of Cinema, film 'Picture Palaces' were just converting to sound. With the success of 'The Jazz Singer' in 1927, the race was on for Studios & Cinemas alike to convert to sound. In tandem with this technological upheaval, the search was also on for suitable vehicles for the new medium.
"Diamond Lil" was a smash hit on Broadway, with Mae showing that by writing & starring in it herself, she was a woman that could live in what was very much at the time, a man's world.
When converted to film, this very authentic replica of the 1890s is accurate right down to the horse hair furniture, gas lamps, Brooklyn accents and costumes. This & the follow up "I'm No Angel", were the golden eggs that saved Paramount Studios from certain bankrupcy.
Indeed, this film established Mae as a world star & was so loved by audiences that midnight showings were needed to accommodate the crowds, and it was so lurid that seven countries banned the film altogether!
The Press Sheet & Ad-Sales Catalogue itself:
In order to get the "A" rating for UK release, the inside of this amazing document tells that the film is 5,320 feet long & runs for 59 minutes. The full uncut running time was 66 minutes, so to get the coveted "A" [Adult] rating for general UK release required the removal of a whole 7 minutes, or nearly 10% of the film. It would seem that many of the sharp & racy one-liners from her lips never got to UK audiences until decades later.
This extraordinary document would have been sent out by the film distributors to the cinemas, either before or after they had agreed to take the film for showing. The central pages are mostly devoted to synopses of the plot, cast list, information on Mae & amazing snippets of information, like the fact that "300 yards of Ruching, 2,000 bunches of beads & approximately fifteen dozen Ostrich feathers" were used for the wardrobe of the female cast. Most of which, went on Mae's amazing outfits.
It lists the songs that would be heard, like "Frankie And Johnnie", "A Man What Takes His Time", "Easy Rider" & "Mazie", all of which were recorded by Brunswick and have since become legendary.
Cleverly, in the Newspaper style columns of text & illustrations, are inserted block Ads for column space, which could be hired for between 1s/6d & the lofty price of two shillings per week, for use in the local Newspapers to advertise the film. An implementation of "WYSIWYG", long before the silicon chip was even a twinkle in a boffins eye !
The inside leaf is devoted to the range of Lobby Cards, insert cards, stills & window cards that could be purchased outright for between 6d & 2s/6d.
The spread immediately opposite the inside back page illustrated the available range of posters [6, 12 & 48 sheet] that could be purchased. Given that the 48 sheet version would have cost the cinema a massive 15 shillings, this was an investment reserved for only the biggest cinemas in the major cities, with the regionals taking the smaller posters.
One of these posters, complete, sold recently for many tens of thousands of Dollars.
The Inside back page has two illustrations of Newspaper adverts, of single & double column block size, with the bold heading "Lou was no lady... but she knew what she wanted!", that would appear immediately underneath the cinema name.
The very back is a simple price list, listing the purchase prices for posters, slides, lobby cards & stills, with the weekly hire prices of the in house display blocks & newspaper adverts.
For "Pensioner Paper", this is something quite amazing. Considering that this is older than most readers' Grannies & some readers' Great-Grannies, the condition is astonishing.
There are a few light creases at the corners and a historic careful fold about 1/3 up from the bottom [probably to fit in an envelope], but otherwise the pages are as new. Beautifully white & unstained, there is no paper loss or even a small tear anywhere.
The only real clue that what you are dealing with here is over 75 years old & not a modern repro is the oxidisation of the two not-so-stainless steel staples, the type of paper & the technique of printing used. If you run your finger gently along the text, you can instantly feel not only the smoothness of the paper, but the indents of the press used by R.F. Hunger to produce it.
An astonishing piece of history, Mae West memorabilia or simply a record of the British cinema industry at the dawn of the "Talkie" in equally astonishing premium condition.
As something to treasure or as an investment item, this piece covers all scenarios.
Given the many tens of thousands of Dollars being paid for some of the items listed in this catalogue, we are probably "giving this away" [As Max Miller said in the UK produced Gainsborough picture "Friday The Thirteenth" that same year] but our loss is your gain.
Regardless, it is an incredible piece that will never diminish in value all the time it remains in this beautiful condition.
Artist - Mae West (click link for complete listing)
Title - She Done Him Wrong (click link for more of the same title)
Year of Release - 1933
Format - press book
Record Label - R.F. Hunger
Catalogue No - SALES CATALOGUE (click link for more)
Country of Origin - United Kingdom (UK)
Language - Regardless of country of origin all tracks are sung in English, unless otherwise stated in our description.
Blue Chip – This is a Blue Chip collectors item. Click link for similar items
Additional info - Deleted, Picture Sleeve
Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) - 5052795748181
Condition - This item is in Excellent condition or better (unless it says otherwise in the above description). We buy items as close to Mint condition as possible and many will be unplayed and as close to new as you could hope to find. Irrespective of the source, all of our collectables meet our strict grading and are 100% guaranteed. Click here for more info.
RareVinyl.com Ref No - MWTPBSH526531
60s Female, Female Solo.
Availability - In Stock - Buy Now for shipping today
Postage/Shipping Cost - Add item to your basket for a postage/shipping quote. For further delivery info click here
Email - sales@rarevinyl.com to contact our sales team.
To order by phone - Call (+44) 0147485010
RareVinyl.com Reference Number - MWTPBSH526531
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This was an unusual film in many ways. Incredible for the time, this film was actually an adaptation of her self penned smash hit Broadway stage play 'Diamond Lil'. Needless to say, her adaptation of her own stage play into film led to it too becoming a smash hit.
This movie has been selected by the American Film Institute as one of the best black and white movies of all time & is full of pre Hayes Code 'suggestive' remarks for which she became famous & is fondly remembered for.
Cary Grant was hand picked by Mae as her co-star & yes, this is the film in which Mae tells Cary to come up and see her sometime. A saying that has become a staple of film lovers & impersonators [who almost always get it wrong] ever since.
What has this to do with 8 pages of a brochure ? Read on ...
In the early days of Cinema, film 'Picture Palaces' were just converting to sound. With the success of 'The Jazz Singer' in 1927, the race was on for Studios & Cinemas alike to convert to sound. In tandem with this technological upheaval, the search was also on for suitable vehicles for the new medium.
"Diamond Lil" was a smash hit on Broadway, with Mae showing that by writing & starring in it herself, she was a woman that could live in what was very much at the time, a man's world.
When converted to film, this very authentic replica of the 1890s is accurate right down to the horse hair furniture, gas lamps, Brooklyn accents and costumes. This & the follow up "I'm No Angel", were the golden eggs that saved Paramount Studios from certain bankrupcy.
Indeed, this film established Mae as a world star & was so loved by audiences that midnight showings were needed to accommodate the crowds, and it was so lurid that seven countries banned the film altogether!
The Press Sheet & Ad-Sales Catalogue itself:
In order to get the "A" rating for UK release, the inside of this amazing document tells that the film is 5,320 feet long & runs for 59 minutes. The full uncut running time was 66 minutes, so to get the coveted "A" [Adult] rating for general UK release required the removal of a whole 7 minutes, or nearly 10% of the film. It would seem that many of the sharp & racy one-liners from her lips never got to UK audiences until decades later.
This extraordinary document would have been sent out by the film distributors to the cinemas, either before or after they had agreed to take the film for showing. The central pages are mostly devoted to synopses of the plot, cast list, information on Mae & amazing snippets of information, like the fact that "300 yards of Ruching, 2,000 bunches of beads & approximately fifteen dozen Ostrich feathers" were used for the wardrobe of the female cast. Most of which, went on Mae's amazing outfits.
It lists the songs that would be heard, like "Frankie And Johnnie", "A Man What Takes His Time", "Easy Rider" & "Mazie", all of which were recorded by Brunswick and have since become legendary.
Cleverly, in the Newspaper style columns of text & illustrations, are inserted block Ads for column space, which could be hired for between 1s/6d & the lofty price of two shillings per week, for use in the local Newspapers to advertise the film. An implementation of "WYSIWYG", long before the silicon chip was even a twinkle in a boffins eye !
The inside leaf is devoted to the range of Lobby Cards, insert cards, stills & window cards that could be purchased outright for between 6d & 2s/6d.
The spread immediately opposite the inside back page illustrated the available range of posters [6, 12 & 48 sheet] that could be purchased. Given that the 48 sheet version would have cost the cinema a massive 15 shillings, this was an investment reserved for only the biggest cinemas in the major cities, with the regionals taking the smaller posters.
One of these posters, complete, sold recently for many tens of thousands of Dollars.
The Inside back page has two illustrations of Newspaper adverts, of single & double column block size, with the bold heading "Lou was no lady... but she knew what she wanted!", that would appear immediately underneath the cinema name.
The very back is a simple price list, listing the purchase prices for posters, slides, lobby cards & stills, with the weekly hire prices of the in house display blocks & newspaper adverts.
For "Pensioner Paper", this is something quite amazing. Considering that this is older than most readers' Grannies & some readers' Great-Grannies, the condition is astonishing.
There are a few light creases at the corners and a historic careful fold about 1/3 up from the bottom [probably to fit in an envelope], but otherwise the pages are as new. Beautifully white & unstained, there is no paper loss or even a small tear anywhere.
The only real clue that what you are dealing with here is over 75 years old & not a modern repro is the oxidisation of the two not-so-stainless steel staples, the type of paper & the technique of printing used. If you run your finger gently along the text, you can instantly feel not only the smoothness of the paper, but the indents of the press used by R.F. Hunger to produce it.
An astonishing piece of history, Mae West memorabilia or simply a record of the British cinema industry at the dawn of the "Talkie" in equally astonishing premium condition.
As something to treasure or as an investment item, this piece covers all scenarios.
Given the many tens of thousands of Dollars being paid for some of the items listed in this catalogue, we are probably "giving this away" [As Max Miller said in the UK produced Gainsborough picture "Friday The Thirteenth" that same year] but our loss is your gain.
Regardless, it is an incredible piece that will never diminish in value all the time it remains in this beautiful condition.
Artist - Mae West (click link for complete listing)
Title - She Done Him Wrong (click link for more of the same title)
Year of Release - 1933
Format - press book
Record Label - R.F. Hunger
Catalogue No - SALES CATALOGUE (click link for more)
Country of Origin - United Kingdom (UK)
Language - Regardless of country of origin all tracks are sung in English, unless otherwise stated in our description.
Blue Chip – This is a Blue Chip collectors item. Click link for similar items
Additional info - Deleted, Picture Sleeve
Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) - 5052795748181
Condition - This item is in Excellent condition or better (unless it says otherwise in the above description). We buy items as close to Mint condition as possible and many will be unplayed and as close to new as you could hope to find. Irrespective of the source, all of our collectables meet our strict grading and are 100% guaranteed. Click here for more info.
RareVinyl.com Ref No - MWTPBSH526531
60s Female, Female Solo.
Availability - In Stock - Buy Now for shipping today
Postage/Shipping Cost - Add item to your basket for a postage/shipping quote. For further delivery info click here
Email - sales@rarevinyl.com to contact our sales team.
To order by phone - Call (+44) 0147485010
RareVinyl.com Reference Number - MWTPBSH526531
Got vinyl records, CDs or music memorabilia to sell? – Sell to us at our buying site https://vinyl-wanted.com